Made by HVAC Owners for HVAC Owners.

Talk to new leads instantly, follow ip on every quote, and wow your customers with the Hatch app.

We help you thrive on social media with great content that works.

We’ve been involved in the HVAC industry for over 20 years, so we know the struggle to find good HVAC content.
We developed this platform through our own struggles with social media. HVAC isn’t what we’d call an industry that’s easy to make content for.

Social media is only growing. HVAC owners need a consistent message, and to post more often than a few times a month. While many owners think you can’t get leads or customers from social media this isn’t true. Social media is growing with baby boomers and other demographics. Your potential customers are waiting for you, but they need and want to hear from you first.

While we know furnaces and air conditioning are amazing, but customers only call when that product breaks down, or when they need a new one. Making fun, engaging content is difficult. That’s where Amaze Social comes in.

Our Mission

Our mission at Amaze Social is to transform the lives of contractors by improving their productivity and profitability through social media. We love serving our customers and we love surviving the community. All of us at Amaze Social serve our customers with a sense of urgency and we work hard to provide our social media service at a fair price. We look forward to having you join our platform.

Our core values

Amazing companies are only as good as their people. We believe in action, progress and growth. Our values embody this.

Entrepreneurial Spirit

This is the heart of everything we do. Our team has a growth mindset to achieve success and to find solutions. We are passionate about everything we do for our customers.

Rise to the challenge

We don’t cut corners. We don’t look for the easy way out. We approach every day with a shared mindset – let’s do the right thing, even if it’s the harder thing.

Care from the heart

Our goal is to make data compliance for businesses around the globe as easy, affordable, and user-friendly as possible while providing the most comprehensive policy and consent solution on the market today.

Have fun

Building a memorable work experience comes both through driving meaningful impact while also not taking ourselves too seriously. We work hard but that doesn’t mean we don’t have fun.

Rise to the challenge

Our goal is to make data compliance for businesses around the globe as easy, affordable, and user-friendly as possible while providing the most comprehensive policy and consent solution on the market today.

Join our Team

If you are a talented, ambitious, and creative individual that’s ready to take your career to the next level, and you want to work with a small group of like-minded people, you’ve come to the right place.

We’re organized, experienced, and in growth mode, and we are looking for fellow entrepreneurs to join our team.

Meet Jetter the Monkey.

Jetter is the face of the company and our fun loving office manager. When not in the office, he is usually Jet-Setting from coast to coast. You may even catch a glimpse of him Monkeying Around on Facebook and Instagram.

But let’s get back to business…
Jetter is an extraordinary Monkey, with desire to try everything (kind of a Monkey see Monkey do approach). He is great at social communication and really knows how to play well with others (meaning he won’t drive you bananas…at least most of the time)!

Jetter also takes a unique view on things, which enables him to guide his team (across the monkey bars) with confidence and courage. And lastly, he shows excellent leadership with his team utilizing his passion, confidence and his clever sense of humour.